Reef Rangers of Palau | God's World News

Reef Rangers of Palau

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    Metfidza Marino, Aarson Aaron, and Aaron Cyrillo head to Helen Island, Palau, with a delivery of supplies. (AP/Yannick Peterhans)
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    More than 500 fish species, giant clams, sharks, rays, and hundreds of hard and soft coral species thrive in the protected waters of the Helen Reef. In this photo, similar creatures swim around the Great Barrier Reef. (AP/Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority)
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    The Hatohobei State Rangers and their supplies arrive to Helen Island four times per year via chartered boat. The trip is two days’ journey from Koror state, where most of Palau’s citizens live. (AP/Yannick Peterhans)
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    People carry goods through low tide to the ranger station. (AP/Yannick Peterhans)
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    Bridled terns fly over Helen Island, Palau. (AP/Yannick Peterhans)
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One of Earth’s most remote and biologically diverse ocean reefs has become a magnet for poachers. But a dedicated group of rangers works to protect the diverse sea life of Helen Reef—and safeguard an area that has sustained Palau’s people for generations.

Palau is an archipelago of hundreds of islands with only about 20,000 people. It rises from the western Pacific Ocean near Indonesia. Hatohobei state, which includes Helen Island and Helen Reef, has only a few dozen inhabitants. From that small group come the Hatohobei State Rangers.

The rangers patrol Helen Reef, a 40-square-mile atoll. The reef is home to numerous plants and animals, including Napoleon wrasse, bumphead parrotfish, hawksbill sea turtles, and sea cucumbers. More than 500 other fish species, giant clams, sharks, rays, and hundreds of hard and soft coral species also thrive in its protected waters.

Helen Island is a small part of the atoll lying just above sea level. In three-month rotations, four rangers at a time live on the island and patrol the reef.

“It’s a reef our ancestors used to go to and harvest food for the community,” says Hercules Emilio. “We are still conserving the resources that we have there,” reports the 17-year reef ranger.

The Hatohobei State Rangers and their supplies arrive to Helen Island four times per year via chartered boat. The trip is two days’ journey from Koror state, where most of Palau’s citizens live.

There’s no cellular reception on the island. Rangers rely on spotty radio signals to communicate with colleagues in Palau’s more northerly islands and to speak with family on holidays and birthdays. It’s also how they report illegal activity or summon help.

Ranger work can be isolating. In addition, there are worries about running out of gas and drinking water—and that rising seas are nipping away at their tiny island.

The rangers plan to install wooden barriers to try to slow the land loss. “What we are worried about is the disappearance of the island,” Emilio says.

Hatohobei Rangers see themselves as traditional protectors of an area that has sustained their people for generations.

In 2021, a Chinese fishing boat came to poach sea cucumbers and clams.

“We didn’t allow them. They offered money and some goods,” Emilio recalls, “which we didn’t take.”

The vessel was taken to Koror. Palau’s Marine Law Enforcement fined the crew.

“It feels good,” says Emilio, who grew up on a small island in Hatohobei state. “I’m doing something for the people of my community.”

Why? The desire to safeguard land and protect animal species is God-given and harks back to the mandate of Genesis 1:28. When we obediently care for God’s creations, we can honor Him.

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