Bright (& Shady) Idea | God's World News

Bright (& Shady) Idea

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    Bright (& Shady) Idea


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WORLDteen | Ages 11-14 | $35.88 per year

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Eighty-seven-year-old Nathan Zaccaria isn’t resting in retirement. Instead, he’s inventing. Now the grandfather of 10 is sharing his brainchild with the world.

Zaccaria’s wife, Fran, frequently complained that she couldn’t see her phone when she tried to use it outdoors. The glare was too strong. Texting, emailing, and viewing pictures of the grands was nearly impossible.

Like so many inventions, Zaccaria’s started out as a problem-solving exercise. Zaccaria set out to eliminate his wife’s frustration. The result—called “Shady Smart”—looks like a mini camping tent.

Zaccaria believes Shady Smart solves more than just the problem of sun glare. The website advertises that the product gives users a degree of privacy and also protects the phone from bad weather.

Shady Smart isn’t Zaccaria’s first invention. He built a triple stroller and a pre-car-seat car seat. He holds four patents already—one for a hospital laundry chute lock.

Zaccaria spent 2.5 years working on Shady Smart. He drew plans, built prototypes, did research, and filled out paperwork. Finally, his invention has hit the market.

Grandpa Z. (as he’s best known) hopes his children and grandchildren learn a lesson from his latest endeavor: “I don’t think you’re ever too old to do something productive.”

Wisdom is with the aged, and understanding in length of days. –Job 12:12

(Photo: AP)