Possible Link to Anne Frank Found | God's World News

Possible Link to Anne Frank Found

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    Possible Link to Anne Frank Found


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Researchers excavating the site of a Nazi death camp near Sobibor, Poland, have uncovered a pendant that seems identical to one belonging to Anne Frank. The news came from Israel's Yad Vashem World Holocaust Remembrance Center.

Yad Vashem believes the pendant belonged to Karoline Cohn—a Jewish girl who perished at Sobibor. Cohn may somehow have been connected to the famous diarist. Both were born in Frankfurt in 1929, and historians have found no other pendants like theirs.

The triangular piece found has the words "Mazal Tov" (“Congratulations”) written in Hebrew on one side along with Cohn's date of birth. The other side has the Hebrew letter "heh," an initial for God and three Stars of David.

Researchers are trying to contact any remaining relatives of the two to check whether Cohn and Frank were related.

Since 2007, the Israel Antiquities Authority has conducted excavations at the former camp in Poland. After an October 1943 uprising, the Nazis leveled the camp. Then they planted crops over it to cover up their crimes.

But archaeologists have managed to uncover the gas chamber foundations and the original train platform.

Nazi soldiers killed more than 250,000 Jews in Sobibor camp, in eastern Poland. The camp is one of the most horrible examples of the Nazi’s evil plan to exterminate European Jewry. Frank died at the Bergen-Belsen camp, in northern Germany, in 1945.