The Not-So-Great Debate | God's World News

The Not-So-Great Debate

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    President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump faced off in their first debate of 2024. (AP/Gerald Herbert)
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    Former President Trump gestures while speaking during the debate. (AP/Gerald Herbert)
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    President Biden walks off stage during a commercial break. (AP/Gerald Herbert)
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On June 27, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump met for their first debate of 2024. CNN hosted the event. Viewers tuned in to hear the candidates’ answers—but many left with more questions.

Candidates received two minutes to answer questions, with one minute for responses and another minute for rebuttals (counter-arguments). Moderators could also grant an additional minute as needed. While one candidate spoke, the other’s microphone was turned off. This rule change followed the interruption-riddled debates of previous election years.

Democratic candidate Biden and Republican candidate Trump argued over a range of issues. The topics included immigration, foreign policy, and the economy. Both accused the other of being the worst president in U.S. history. They traded blame for the border crisis and rising inflation. President Biden brought up former President Trump’s recent felony conviction. Mr. Trump slammed the current president for a chaotic withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan.

Many voters have worried about President Biden’s age and mental acuity (alertness). At 81 years old, he’s the oldest president in American history. His debate performance did little to allay those fears. In fact, it appears to have worsened them.

Throughout the debate, President Biden moved slowly, coughed, and stumbled over words. At the end of one question, he stammered and misspoke: “We finally beat Medicare,” he said.

Former President Trump jumped on the opportunity to play off the gaff: “Well he’s right, he did beat Medicaid. He beat it to death.”

The debacle left some Democrats wondering whether they should replace President Biden as their candidate. However, every state has already held a presidential primary. Replacing the Democratic candidate would be nearly impossible unless President Biden chooses to drop out.

Compared to President Biden, former President Trump spoke with confidence—but was he speaking the truth? Fact-checkers challenge many of his statements. Mr. Trump claimed his presidency brought the greatest economy in American history. Experts point out he left the White House with fewer American jobs than at the start of his term.

Some viewers feel worried about the future of the country after that debate. But the Bible warns us not to put our trust in princes—or, we might say, in presidents. (Psalm 146:3) Ultimately, the future of every nation rests in God’s hands. Those are hands we can trust.

Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God. — Psalm 146:5