Suppression of ideas. Imprisonment for beliefs. These and other forms of mistreatment constitute persecution. Christians ought not be surprised when encountering oppression, The Bible says it will happen: “All who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” (2 Timothy 3:12) Communism and Islam are two systems that are threatened by the freedoms Christianity offers. Responses can be mild or major.
Great Firewall of China
Finding an Apple in China might become difficult. It’s not the crisp tree fruit we’re talking about. But products from the U.S. technology giant will experience scarcity there due to increasing distrust of all things “Western.”
China has long suspected the United States and other Western countries of spreading anti-Communist ideology. Chinese President Xi Jinping and the state-controlled media criticize Western values—including freedoms of speech and religion, democracy, and basic human rights. They believe these “dangerous” ideas cause discontent with Communism and the Chinese government.
So to limit Western impact, Chinese officials are cracking down on imports from U.S. technology firms. Companies like Apple Inc. are no longer welcome in China. The government also attempts to censor Internet use by Chinese citizens. It blocks opinions seen as hostile to Chinese dogma, restricting what people can hear, see, and say online.
Christians in China are caught up in that crackdown against Western ideas too. Christianity teaches that individuals have great value. It proves that value by the sacrificial love and provision of our Creator God. That threatens Communist claims. Communism declares government as the people’s savior. It says the collective is more valuable than the individual. A threatened government is an insecure government. So China oppresses and even imprisons members of Christian churches that are not controlled by the government.
Sharia Law in Saudi Arabia
China isn’t the only country that feels threatened by Western views. Countries and groups that implement Sharia (or Islamic) law sometimes gruesomely oppose the freedoms Westerners enjoy.
Example: Fifteen schoolgirls died in a fire in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Rescuers would not allow the girls to leave the burning building. Why? Their clothing did not accord with Sharia law. This 2002 incident sparked worldwide outrage. Now increasing Muslim violence toward “infidels” is focusing global attention on countries that practice Sharia.
Sharia is the foundation of law in modern Saudi Arabia. Sharia dictates everything from hygiene to diet. The law claims authority from the traditions of Muhammad and the Muslim holy book, the Quran.
Saudi authorities do not interfere with Sharia law—even when it is clearly immoral or unjust. A lone judge often rules according to personal interpretation or whim. Western laws must conform to Sharia law. Even Saudi royal decrees bow to Sharia.
Mutawa are the religious police. They enforce Sharia codes of behavior. This includes separation of men and women in public, women’s dress and activities, and prayer-time business closings. Amputation, beheading, and stoning are common for offences such theft, apostasy, or even immodesty.