Dignified Debate: Should the Bible be required in… | God's World News

Dignified Debate: Should the Bible be required in public school curricula?

  • Reader response 2
    From Nora R. via letter to WORLDteen, PO Box 20002, Asheville, NC 28802


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From Corban K. via email to WORLDteeneditor@gwnews.com:

To the Editors:

Since both Creation and Evolution are beliefs (religions), it’s only fair to either show students both sides or neither one. It’s indoctrination, not education, if you teach only one side like a fact. That’s exactly what is happening in the public school system. Origins have nothing to do with science; so why waste space in a textbook with origins? After all, evolutionists will be upset if you teach Creation, and creationists will be upset if you teach Evolution.  If both Creation and Evolution were presented as theories, it would be great. But teachers aren’t required to show both sides, so what happens 95% of the time is that students are only shown evidence that seems to show the universe made itself. It’s not fair to make all taxpayers pay for it and it’s certainly not fair to the students to teach only Evolution. Like Amy said in the last paragraph of the debate club, “It seems that all public school students are at the mercy of whatever teachers (and worldviews) they happen to get.” I agree. So let’s either require teachers to show both sides, or better yet, keep origins and religions out of public schools.

I would welcome any questions or comments. Thank you.


Corban K.